Project Impact Matrix Evaluation Tool

MFC has developed PRIMATE, a web-based PRoject Impact MATrix Evaluation tool, so natural resource projects can accurately assess their conformance with accepted international social policies, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Performance Requirements (EBRD PRs), the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards (IFC PSs), the Equator Principles (EPs) and the Voluntary Principles for Security and Human Rights (VPs).

As the leading social reviewer for due diligence assessments commissioned by Equator Principle financial institutions, MFC uses a matrix-based approach to identify potential gaps in a project’s or company’s documents and practices to recommend practical solutions to achieve conformance. PRIMATE brings an enhanced level of consistency and standardization to this process.

PRIMATE is invaluable in identifying criteria for determining whether a single phase, an entire project or company performance will meet international standards. And it makes a great self-diagnostic or performance tracking tool. Users log on to PRIMATE anywhere in the world via the Internet and follow clear commands to find the applicable standards and generate an appropriate list of questions for managers to complete. PRIMATE is equally effective in providing tracking for assessments at all stages of a project, from early consultation through to full operations and then completion.