Extracting the Risk from Mining: Vancouver Sun Opinion Piece
On Friday April 27, the Vancouver Sun published an opinion piece written by Monkey Forest principal Gary MacDonald and Marketa Evans, the Government of Canada's Extractive Sector CSR counsellor, entitled: "Extracting the risk from mining - Current market gives...
Updated IFC Performance Standards – Summary and Analysis of Social Components
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has released its updated Sustainability Framework that will come into effect January 1, 2012, for projects and companies that have embraced the IFC’s environmental and social performance standards. Chief among the changes to...
Raising the Standard – IFC Sustainability Framework Update
In the latest issue of Mining, People and the Environment, Monkey Forest's contributor Angus Wong writes about the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Sustainability Framework update. The Framework came into effect on January 1st, 2012. Read the MPE Update to IFC...
Canada’s CSR Counsellor Releases First Report After Company Withdraws
How extractive companies handle stakeholder grievances about their overseas behavior is increasingly influencing global public perception about them. The recent release of the first report from Canada's "voluntary" process underlines this point. In the following...
The Growing Focus on the Rights of Indigenous People
It is increasingly clear that for companies, “getting it right” includes managing and mitigating impacts on indigenous or vulnerable people. And they’re not the only ones looking at such impacts. Last month, the UN body responsible for protecting the rights of...
Free, Prior and Informed Consent: A Monkey Forest Update
In the July 2011 issue of Mining, People and the Environment, a quarterly supplement to The Mining Journal, Maurice Bridge and Angus Wong of Monkey Forest Consulting examine the growing requirements for FPIC and the way they are changing mining practices the world...
Commentary on United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
On June 16th, 2011, The United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (Guiding Principles). The Guiding Principles outline how states and businesses should implement the three pillars set out in the “Protect, Respect...
Comment on Phase III of IFC Sustainability Framework Review and Update
The International Finance Corporation Policy and Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability has been at the core of services Monkey Forest Consulting Ltd. has provided to the extractive industry worldwide. Consequently, we have been following...
FPIC: Interpretations and Implications for Stakeholders
The recent endorsement by the government of Canada of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) has given rise to questions about how it will impact resource projects and indigenous groups. Canada's statement of support represents a...